Page 26 - PlanWorld_2019_IDS_EN_high
P. 26

Iordanoglou had no trouble getting       important tools of the trade.                     “It’s the cut of the chair”, notes
to grips with her new Planmeca           At the same time, the nature of               Terzidou. “The whole shape of
Compact i. “All the instructions,        their work necessitates that dentists         the dental unit allows the dentist to
everything was on a USB stick, which     sometimes remain in demanding                 get very close to the patient’s mouth
made the learning process very easy.     working positions for extended                and to work easily around them.
I also work with an assistant, and she   periods of time. This demands                 For me, this is the most important
was very excited when we switched        a lot of the ergonomic solutions              consideration, because as dentists
to Planmeca. It’s so very nice, and      and movement range of the unit.               we live in our practices half of
certainly different from the old one."                                                 our lives.”
                                             For both Iordanoglou and Terzidou,
    Terzidou agrees: “There are no       however, the Planmeca Compact i                   As a result, in both Katerini and
complex systems as with other dental     units have risen to the challenge. “It’s      Athens it looks like the Planmeca
units”, she explains. “Sometimes when    very ergonomic for the dental nurse           Compact i units are there to stay.
you have an assistant or nurse who       as well as for my way of sitting and          “I’ve had my unit for a while now and
is unfamiliar with a device, it can be   working”, Terzidou commends the               had no problem at all learning to use
difficult to teach them how to use it,   unit. Meanwhile, Iordanoglou has              it”, says Iordanoglou. Terzidou, who
but with Planmeca dental units you       been particularly pleased with the            has been using her units for 15 years,
just don’t have this problem.            lighting: “I really like the operating light  is just as satisfied with her equipment.
They are very easy to use.”              – it’s very focused and intense, which        “I’ve never had a bad day at work
                                         makes it easy to work with.”                  because of my units."
A dental unit is more than just patient      Still, for Terzidou, perhaps the most         "That means that the technology
comfort or easy instructions – for       valuable feature of the unit has been         has been perfect since 2003
the dentist, it is one of the most of    its user-friendly design which enables        – not only now.” ▟
                                         easy access to the patient.

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