Page 25 - PlanWorld_2019_IDS_EN_high
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Terzidou runs her private practice    been very impressed with its user-              “For my part, I chose the Planmeca
MT Orthodontics in Katerini, a town       friendly features.                          Compact™ i Classic units”, says
of about 85,000 people not far                                                        Terzidou, “because as an orthodontist
from Greece’s second largest city,            “It’s been very pleasant to work        I didn’t want something heavy for
Thessaloniki. She currently has three     with and very comfortable for               my work. The Planmeca dental units
Planmeca Compact™ i dental units          the patient”, says Iordanoglou of her       enable me to work very smoothly
at her clinic which she has worked        unit. “I especially like the side delivery  around the patient, and of course
with since 2003. She hasn’t looked        with which I can take all the unit          the soft upholstery is very nice for
back since.                               instruments behind the patient.             the patient as well. Because of my
                                          This way the patient doesn’t need to        specialisation, I have a lot of kids as
    “It’s now been approximately          see them when he or she sits down in        patients, and it’s very, very often that
15 years I’ve had my three Planmeca       the chair. It’s a nice feature.”            they fall asleep during treatment.
dental units and they have always                                                     That’s how comfortable it is.”
been very reliable and easy to work           Iordanoglou says her decision to
with. Having worked all these years       opt for Planmeca dental units was               The patient-friendly design of
with my units, I’ve definitely never had  strongly influenced by a visit to France,   the chair has also played an important
to regret my choice”, Terzidou praises    where she had previously completed          role in Iordanoglou’s work. “I do mostly
the equipment.                            her degree in dentistry.                    surgery, which is not that pleasant for
                                                                                      the patient, but with the Planmeca
A MARKET-DRIVEN DECISION                      “I actually went last year to my        chair I can at least provide them with
In the capital city of Athens,            friends in France, and I saw that they      a seat that is nice and comfortable.”
periodontist and dental surgeon           all had Planmeca”, she explains.
Faini Iordanoglou is newer to                                                             “When I changed to Planmeca,
Planmeca dental units. Iordanoglou,           “Planmeca is the market leader          all my patients started telling me
who has worked at her family clinic for   in France and my friends told me the        how nice it was, asking ‘can we sleep
over 20 years, acquired her Planmeca      equipment is great, so I said, okay         here,’ ‘do you have a massage…’”
Compact™ i Touch in 2016 and has          – I will change, I will take Planmeca as    Iordanoglou says, laughing. “The
                                          well. I’ll do it the French way.”           memory foam is better in this chair
                                                                                      than in your own bed.”
                                          FEATURES FOR MANY
                                          SPECIALISATIONS                             EASY TO LEARN, EASY TO USE
                                          According to Terzidou and                   Despite having worked with another
                                          Iordanoglou, Planmeca dental units          unit for more than 20 years,
                                          have responded well to both of their
                                          needs as dental specialists.
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