Page 21 - PlanWorld_2019_IDS_EN_high
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to their library to make it easy to pick        The scanner is very fast and
what you like to use in your practice.”     lightweight. You wouldn’t think
                                            weight is a big thing, but it’s
You've used the Planmeca                    something you have to touch and
PlanScan® intraoral scanner quite           feel to understand. When you pick
a bit and it was also featured in a         the scanner up, it’s as if you are
study you published with several            holding nothing. It flows and moves
of your fellow academics. What do           in the mouth unlike any other
you consider the scanner's main             scanner I’ve had a privilege to use.”
strengths to be?
“Planmeca PlanScan has been                 Going forward, how do you
probably the best quadrant scanner          see intraoral scanning evolving
on the market. It excels at bread and       in general? For example, in
butter general dentistry. The scanner       terms of the available range of
is super accurate at smaller scan           indications beyond crowns and
ratios. Due to this accuracy, it can be     orthopaedics.
used for precision-fit restorations.        “There are no limitations to what
That’s where it excels best.                you can do with intraoral scanning.
                                            I do full-mouth reconstructions
    You know, they increased the            and large implant cases with it.
scan speeds dramatically with               But diagnostically, it’s also good to
just a software update. It’s pretty         just take baseline scans of patients
remarkable. In my experience, it’s at       coming in. It takes under two
least double. That means the older          minutes to scan a full arch, so why
scanner is now pretty much in line          not take digital records of where a
with newer scanners in the market           patient is at that point in time? It’ll
– so it’s very, very nice that that’s just  allow you can re-scan and analyse
a software update. In addition to           down the road. I really see physical
that, they’re working on really nice        impressions going completely out
abutment and scan body platforms            of the average dentist’s practice
that could be used for single-visit         within 10 years.” ▟
implant restorations.”

In turn, the new Planmeca
Emerald™ scanner was released in
2017 and you’ve been using it right
from the start. What have your
impressions on the new scanner
“Planmeca Emerald is your full
arch workhorse scanner. Whereas
Planmeca PlanScan I really like for
scanning quadrants and things like
that, I feel like Planmeca Emerald has
been designed from the ground up
for full-arch scanning – and it does it
remarkably well.

                                                                                     Dr. Walter Renne

                                                                                     Associate Professor
                                                                                     Medical University of South Carolina
                                                                                     Department of Oral Rehabilitation
                                                                                     Division of Restorative Dentistry

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