Page 41 - ABB_Wiring_Accessories_Impressivo_Jussi_catalog
P. 41

JUSSI                                                                                                           41

Flush mounting 1-gang 2-way switch, IP21
16AX/250V Switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid
wires. Delivered with pilot light and red lens. Flush mounting on a smooth surface IP21.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
1066UK     6410021060138       1-gang 2-way switch, Jussi, N-terminal, red lens, incl. lamp          10/100

Flush mounting 1-gang 2-way push switch, IP21
16A/250V Push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid
wires. Possibility to connect a lamp. Push switch includes an opening and closing contact terminal function.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
1466U      6410021260118       1-gang 2-way push switch, Jussi, N-terminal, lens, lamp not incl.     10/100

Flush mounting 2-gang 1-way push switch, IP21
16A/250V Push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid
wires. No lamp possibility. Flush mounting on a smooth surface IP21.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
1465U      6410021260132                                                                             10/100
1465.20    6418677328824       2-gang 1-way push switch, 16 A, Jussi, no X-terminals                 10/100

                               2-gang 1-way push switch insert 16 A/250 V, 2 X-terminals, no lamp

2-gang push switch for up/down control, IP21
10A/250V Push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid
wires. Use e.g. for controlling opening/closing of blinds and shutters. Not possible to push both buttons at the
same time. Flush mounting on a smooth surface IP21.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
                               2-gang push switch, Jussi, for up/down control                        10/100
2020/4U-101-212 6410021260156

1-gang rockers, IP21
Rockers with screw or clip-on fastening for all 1-gang switches and push switches. Flush mounting on a smooth
surface IP21.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
2506-212   6410021061357       Switch rocker, Jussi, 1-gang, clip-on fastening                      20/200
2506-212R  6410021061432       Switch rocker, Jussi, 1-gang, screw fastening                        20/200
2520-212   6410021061364       Switch rocker, Jussi, 1-gang, clear lens, clip-on fastening          20/200
2520-212R  6410021061449       Switch rocker, Jussi, 1-gang, clear lens, screw fastening            20/200

2-gang rockers, IP21
Rockers with screw or clip-on fastening for 2-gang switches and push switches. Flush mounting on a smooth surface IP21.

Type       EAN                 Description                                                         Package
2505-212   6410021061395       Switch rocker, Jussi, 2-gang, clip-on fastening                      20/200
2505-212R  6410021061470       Switch rocker, Jussi, 2-gang, screw fastening                        20/200
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