Page 23 - PlanWorld_2011_en_high
P. 23


1971 - 2011

or removed for maintenance. The launch            PM 2002 CC was the most advanced dental           widely sold panoramic X-ray unit and the         23
of the unit brought success in the highly         unit using cassette technology, but it was not    concept has been extensively copied. The
competitive import market. The success of         problem-free. Thus, the unit was replaced by      success of this device confirmed the view that
the first unit helped to win investment for       the PM 2002 EC which was partly a stripped-       Planmeca product development had backed
product development and contributed to            down version of the original control system.      the right technologies.
the purchase of the first industrial premises.
                                                     In 1995, Planmeca launched yet another         The age of digital imaging
Microprocessor control                            innovation, a dental unit with an integrated      and software
enabled adjustability                             patient chair. It was a solution to improving
                                                  hygiene as it used a new instrument console       The time was ripe for digital imaging in the
Planmeca was one of the first to launch           principle: no seams between the instrument        mid-1990s. Planmeca's product development
several new concepts. Planmeca’s concepts         cassettes. The unit's functions were controlled   team was prepared to introduce digital
differed from its competitors' products and       by only four printed circuit boards, which        imaging to dentists even earlier, but it was
others started to copy them. Planmeca's           enabled the creation of a small and simple,       not considered commercially profitable back
product development led to the world's            but intelligent device.                           then.
first microprocessor controlled dental chair
in 1983, together with a dental unit and          Panoramic X-ray unit with                            Digital imaging improved radiation
panoramic X-ray unit in 1986.                     a new principle                                   hygiene. At the same time, darkrooms,
                                                                                                    film development chemicals and archiving
   The use of microprocessor technology           One factor behind Planmeca's fruitful and         become redundant. Planmeca saw digital
and integrated control at an early stage was      pioneering product development has been           imaging as something more than just the
a sound strategic decision. Microprocessor        the fact that it has not been hidebound by        digital form of an image. The real benefits
control was the pivotal factor in the sale of     tradition. The small, young product develop­      would not be achieved, however, until the
10,000 patient chairs to the United States in     ment team deliberately set out to question        digital reconstruction could be processed
1984.                                             the principles of older equipment and utilise     with a programme after capturing the image.
                                                  modern technologies. This approach has            Planmeca was one of the first companies to
   The microprocessor control equipped            become Planmeca's own tradition and the           introduce digital imaging in a panoramic
the dental units with all the necessary func­     company is renowned as a developer of             X-ray unit. The Planmeca Dimaxis imaging
tionality. For the first time dentists were able  uncon­ven­tional products.                        software was launched in 1997.
to program the exit and working positions,
for example, in a smarter and more versatile         The successful patient chair project in           Planmeca's product range offered
way than with analog technology. Thanks           the 1980s was followed by a further triumph       equipment for both the treatment of patients
to software control, these patient chairs         for Planmeca – the development of the             and imaging. The challenge for product
had fewer mechanical parts and were               panoramic X-ray unit. Planmeca's approach         development was to create software that
more reliable and less expensive than older       and microprocessor control challenged the         would marry together all these aspects so
products. They were also smaller in size.         mechanical model of traditional film-based        that those working with patients by the
                                                  narrow beam volumetric tomography.                patient chair had access to all the necessary
   The mechanics of these chairs were                                                               information via one user interface. In 1999,
designed from scratch, aiming for more               Planmeca realised that the movement of         this idea was turned into an all-in-one entity.
advanced manufacturing techniques. One            a beam and film cassette should be separated
outcome was that the aluminum frame was           with the aid of microprocessor control.           The new dimension of imaging
designed as both a supporting and a visible       The programming was independent of
surface. The chair was firm with a thin           the mechanics, which led to new exposure          Planmeca continues to challenge traditional
backr­ est making the treatment considerably      programmes and significantly affected the         views and find new solutions – even with its
more ergonomic. The chair, with its rotating      appearance of the unit. With its aluminum         own product development.
armrests, was also more elegant than other        frame, the unit was the smallest and lightest
contemporary chairs.                              on the market. The new structure and                 One pivotal moment was the launch of
                                                  exp­ o­sure procedure made it easier to position  single biggest product development project,
   The PM 2002 CC dental unit was                 the patient making the procedure also more        the Planmeca ProMax, in 2001. It remains
launched in 1986, and was ahead of its            pleasant. Unlike competitors' products, a         the most versatile imaging unit in the market.
time in many ways. It was the first entirely      patient could be positioned in Planmeca's
microprocessor controlled dental unit and         unit even while sitting in a wheelchair. The         Based on the strong market-orientation
it also introduced features that competitors'     structure soon became the norm in the field.      towards digital imaging and the innovative
units did not have, including an automated                                                          minds of the product development team, the
suction tube cleaning system. At the time, the       These elements created the world's most        company developed a robot arm (SCARA)
                                                                                                    for the Planmeca ProMax. The robot arm
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