Page 24 - PlanWorld_2011_en_high
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makes the device a flexible base that can                                          While Planmeca's competitors have

also support new applications. A large                                             outsourced their operations, Planmeca aims

number of unique exposure programmes                                               to keep production in-house. The products

were introduced, such as tomography and                                            are mainly manufactured in Herttoniemi,

transtomography. In less than ten years, the                                       Helsinki, and Planmeca is currently the

unit has been heralded as the lead product of                                      largest employer in eastern Helsinki.

the new generation of units.                                                       The keys to success
   Responding to the needs of its customers,

Planmeca added the 3D imaging to the func­                                         Planmeca's R&D continuously draws

tional base as a new imaging modality. With                                        on dental professionals' views as well as

this solution, Planmeca became once again                                          technological innovations. The foundation

the first in the field to introduce a device                                       for its success has been the private ownership

combining panoramic and 3D imaging as                                              that have enabled long-term planning. This

well as cephalometry and tomography. The                                           way, the company has been able to change

product has proved to be a commercially                                            plans on a tight schedule when needed.

success­ful solution that competitors have     Awarded design                         Planmeca's R&D has developed in many
                                                                                   aspects. Creating the first internationally

                                               Since the company’s early years, Planmeca's successful panoramic X-ray unit showed
24 Planmeca, reformer of the dentistry owner and managing director Heikki determination and courage. The same
teaching environment                           Kyöstilä has had strong views about the innovation-oriented approach applies to

Planmeca's own product development is still appearance and design of its products. The Planmeca’s subsidiary, Planmed, which

constantly creating new product concepts products had to be small and slender, yet produces mammography devices and,

and global solutions to support the work robust and distinguishable from competitors' orthopedic imaging equipment.

of dentistry professionals. As early as the products. This design-orientation had  Honouring Planmeca's 40th anniversary,

end of the 1990s, Planmeca realised that it far-reaching consequences. The design of the company launched a new Digital

should combine all devices in the dental Planmeca's products is respected in the field. Perfection integration concept which

unit, controlled through one user interface, Over the years Planmeca's products have supports the existing all-in-one model.

to create a more efficient and ergonomic also received several awards in international Planmeca introduced a comprehensive

working environment for dentists.              design competitions.                and fully integrated 3D imaging system to

The All-in-One concept was initially           Planmeca's differentiated design is not specialists in the dentistry and facial field

created for small dental offices. However, a coincidence, but the result of deliberate which supports the diagnosis and treatment

the original idea underwent several development.                                   of patients. Planmeca is the first company to

developmental steps to reach the current       The foundations for the company’s later combine 3D data from a 3D intraoral scanner

state where Planmeca's concept is the most success were laid at the turn of the 1980s by with a CBVT image from a Planmeca ProMax

comprehensive solution and the only one that a group of young, open-minded specialists X-ray units and a 3D facial photograph from

can equally well serve large university clinics, who believed in a new way of manufacturing Planmeca ProMax 3D ProFace system, pro­

for example. Planmeca's most significant dental units, and in the use of information viding clinical experts a superior starting

projects in the 21st century have been large technology. Planmeca's technological point for planning and implementing

orders for devices by the world's leading solutions and new manufacturing methods pro­cedures. Planmeca's commitment to

institutes of dentistry, worth up to tens of made slender structures possible. It also open CAD/CAM technology also enables a

millions of euros.                             created a recognizable design. The small, sleek new kind of business as a subcontractor for

Planmeca has developed a device and products became Planmeca's trademark.          dentists and dental laboratories as well as a

software solution for educational purposes,    In 1987 Planmeca employed its first manufacturer of implants for facial surgery.

networking dental units and thus enabling designer – quite early considering the   Planmeca has been among the first

central management and control of company's size at the time. The company companies to introduce a range of devices to

equipment. This also supports the work of keeps the design and planning in-house the field, often in a different way to most of its

the dentist in training in a treatment learning because devices planned at different times competitors. The combination of technology,

situation. Several universities around the have to follow the same timeless Planmeca ergonomics and design has enabled the

world use Planmeca's equipment in teaching. design.                                company to go far.
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