Page 57 - ABB_Installation_materials_catalog_EN
P. 57
Piping materials
The installation materials product range is developed to function as a system
and is easy to adapt to different installations. The piping materials ensure a
safe and cost-efficient installation, for example in monolith concrete and
concrete element factories as preparation time is cut considerably.
The ABB range includes a comprehensive the conduit extensions is secured with a special
selection of different conduit extensions and locking device developed by ABB. The design
inlets for continuing and bending as well as for function and reliability of this tab has received
connecting them to different boxes. These praise for many years. Conduit extensions of
materials are used to ensure the protection and different size are manufactured in different
safety of cables even in locations where colors, so the selection of a correct conduit size
demanding connections, bends or corners are left during installation is easy.
without the protection of a conduit. The fixing of
Conduit extensions
Designed for all structures and both indoor and
outdoor use. The innovative metal locking device
ensures reliable connections to both rigid and
Conduit end pieces and plugs
Special details to be used in concrete casting, to
piping connections.
Bushing insulators
Bushing insulators are used in concrete casting,
for example when cabling from the space above
the suspended ceiling to walls.
Conduit bends
Efficient connections in concrete and hollow
walls. Bending conduits onsite is tough for the
installer in the long run. Conduit bends are the
more ergonomic and sustainable way of working.