Page 7 - Espoon-Kuvis-Pensselihirmut-2018
P. 7

effect or creativity.                     ened their own mode of expression
     Simultaneously and on several        by means of an independent project.
                                          This year eight final works will be
levels we both dealt with matters from    finalized from workshops in vari-
the past and we dreamed about the         ous areas of art; digital art, drawing,
future. Like in playing, everything       painting, 3d, game design, cartoons,
is possible in art and design. This       illustration and photography.
capacity is there all the time, both
in the making and in the teaching of           In addition to the artistic work
visual arts and design. It’s also a very  proper, the working portfolio of each
important skill in future working life    pupil, who has made his/her final
when you children and youngsters          work, was also on show, permitting
are adult. There is a need for fantasy    the visitors to acquaint themselves
and dreams, for creating different, not   with the birth process of the work,
yet existing realities. We don’t exactly  with the sources of inspiration and
know what the world will look like        with the ideas of the creator.
in the future, but you children and
youngsters will contribute to making           The multi-talented artist Hannu
the future world a happier and better     Väisänen has said that if the vocation
place to live together in a commu-        is strong, you should follow it. Talent
nity, in the midst of differences and     will come along eventually. How-
diversities.                              ever, talent is just an additional drop
                                          improving taste, but the greatest part
     Education in visual arts and         is everything else; exercise, work and
design exercises the capacity to work     experience. In the art school it was
simultaneously in the midst of several    hammered into our heads that you
concepts of time. Working with visual     should concentrate on one genre only.
arts and design implies coping with       There is so much love and passion in
uncertainties and processes, where        everything I do that concentrating on
there is a beginning and an end. Some     one thing only would feel like self-
artists and designers can cultivate the   amputation. Life is about experiment-
same theme all their lives, returning     ing with all sorts of things. We must
to the same interesting themes, always    not fear failure.
from new angles and in different man-
ners at different stages of their lives.       We don’t know what tomorrow’s
Everything impacts on everything.         world will look like and what chal-
                                          lenges design and art will meet, but
     Going in for these matters also      we can be confident that the northern
exercises the capacity to cope with       value basis and cultural heritage will
incompleteness and to seize the op-       guarantee that tomorrow’s solutions
portunity. Creating together, working     will be based on common creation,
as member of a group, improves the        common working and the common
sense of community, participation,        good. Development requires all kinds
permissiveness, empathy and care. It      of efforts and courage. I firmly believe
strengthens confidence and reduces        that the Espoo School of Art, that will
loneliness.                               become 40 years of age on 21 May
                                          2019, will remain in the future an
     The exposition ”About Time”          even stronger source of pride, both
last spring presented childrens’ and      here in Espoo, as well as on national
youngsters’ views of time by means        and international level.
of art. In the education of the Espoo
School of Art during the school year           I cordially welcome our new
2017–2018 we have concentrated on         assistant principal, Anu Hietala, who
observing and picturing how time          started with us on 1 March 2018. Our
appears in peoples’ lives, in nature, in  long time, full time teacher Eeva-
history of art and in culture.            Liisa Seinälä will retire and become a
                                          free artist. I want to thank Eeva-Liisa
     The exposition presented for         for all these fine years of work and
example time meters, time machines,       I wish you all the best and an inspi-
portraits of people of different age,     rational life as artist. My heart-felt
figurative time trips to the past and     thanks also to the entire staff for a
to the future, as well as many other      school year filled with action-packed
ways of dealing with time in draw-        study plans, expositions and various
ings, paintings, photographs, ceramics    inspiring projects.
and by using other three-dimensional
technologies.                                  Thanks to the school board and
                                          all other interest groups for you valu-
     In the exposition 16 pupils, who     able contributions.
had made their final work within the
framework of an advanced art course,      Have a relaxing summer full of expe-
presented their works. In the course      riences!
of the school year they had deep-

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